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Social Worker Visits

Social workers have a statutory obligation to visit young people at the following intervals, subject to the conditions below:

  • Within one week of the placement;
  • Then at intervals of no more than six weeks during the first year of the placement;
  • In subsequent years, the young person should be visited every six weeks (if the placement is intended to last until the child is 18).

This applies to all placements. These are minimum requirements and may take place more frequently or in line with the young person's Care Plan. The social worker should endeavour to visit whenever reasonably requested to do so by the young person. Visits during the first weeks of placement are particularly important to ensure arrangements are in place and to develop the relationship between the young person and the social worker.

Some visits should be unannounced.

The young person must be seen in private and alone (unless they refuse).

The social worker should also meet the manager of the Service and staff, who are providing the Care and Support package to the young person.

The social worker should be aware of who else lives with the young person (if the young person is living in a group living setting and not on their own) and they should know about changes in structure and composition as well as the relationships within the property.

Social workers should provide feedback to staff regarding their visit if they have the young person's consent or if it is safeguarding matter.

The purpose of the visit is to ensure the placement continues to promote the young person's care and support needs and in particular:

  1. To give the young person the opportunity to express their views and offer reassurance;
  2. To advise, assist and befriend the young person;
  3. To monitor the standard of care and support offered by the care package;
  4. To monitor how the contact arrangements are working if appropriate;
  5. To provide support to the young person;
  6. To identify any areas where additional support is required;
  7. To evaluate whether the placement is helping to achieve the objectives and actions of the Care Plan.

Placement Planning Meetings can be undertaken during social workers visits.

See Care and Pathway Planning Procedure.

Staff should record visits. The social worker should discuss with the young person, what information should be shared with whom and why.

A written report on each visit must be made by the social worker and kept in the child's file stating clearly:

  1. Who was seen;
  2. Whether the young person was seen and if not why not;
  3. Whether the young person was seen alone;
  4. Any comments made by the young person or the staff;
  5. Any developments or progress;
  6. Any matters of concern or difficulties;
  7. Any plans for the future in terms of moving out, being referred to Adult Services.

Last Updated: February 20, 2023
